The final published language under FSMA 204, for upstream roles like Farms, Harvesters, Coolers, and Packers has been well articulated and from a compliance perspective, pretty logical for companies to work with. This is especially true for parts of the produce industry that worked on the Produce Traceability Initiative (PTI).
Helping the Food Industry Address FSMA 204
At TagOne, we believe comprehensive supply chain traceability is a journey where each company should choose its own path to its final destination. But this path should ideally start with small, baby steps.
In our view, the FSMA 204 ruling, via its industry-wide compliance mandate, will empower impacted companies to take this first small step. The word we use is empowered because post-FSMA 204, companies will have the choice to continue pushing towards their end-to-end traceability goal and set up for future success or not.

Harvesting KDEs
As per the ruling, Harvesting KDEs for Raw Agricultural Commodities (RACs) not obtained from a fishing vessel, include the following:
Location description for the immediate subsequent recipient (other than a transporter) of the food
Commodity and, if applicable, variety of the food
Quantity and unit of measure of the food
Location description for the farm where the food was harvested
Date of harvesting
Reference document type and reference document number
The Harvester needs to provide to the Initial Packer the following information:
Business name
Phone number
Harvesting KDEs (See above - except the last line item that is reference document type and reference document number)
For aquacultured food:
Name of the container (e.g., pond, pool, tank, cage) from which the food was harvested (must correspond to the container name used by the aquaculture farmer), OR
Other information identifying the harvest location at least as precisely as the container name
For produce:
Name of the field or other growing area from which the food was harvested (must correspond to the name used by the grower), OR
Other information identifying the harvest location at least as precisely as field or growing area name
Cooling KDEs
As per the ruling, the Cooling KDEs for Raw Agriculture Commodities (RAC’s) not obtained from a fishing vessel include the following:
Location description for the immediate subsequent recipient (other than a transporter) of the food
Commodity and, if applicable, variety of the food
Quantity and unit of measure of the food
Location description for where you cooled the food
Date of cooling
Location description for the farm where the food was harvested
Reference document type and reference document number Provide to the Initial Packer
The Cooler needs to provide to the Initial Packer the following information:
Cooling KDEs (except the reference document type and reference document number)
Initial Packing KDEs
As per the ruling, Initial Packing KDEs of Raw Agricultural Commodities (RACs), other than a food obtained from a fishing vessel should cover the following:
Commodity and, if applicable, variety of the food received
Date you received the food
Quantity and unit of measure of the food received
Location description for the farm where the food was harvested
Business name and phone number for the harvester of the food
Date of harvesting
Location description for where the food was cooled (if applicable)
Date of cooling (if applicable)
Traceability lot code you assigned
Product description of the packed food
Quantity and unit of measure of the packed food
Location description for where you initially packed the food (i.e., traceability lot code source), and (if applicable), the traceability lot code source reference
Date of initial packing
Reference document type and reference document number
KDEs must be linked to the traceability lot you assign for the food that you pack
For aquacultured food:
Name of the container (e.g., pond, pool, tank, cage) from which the food was harvested (must correspond to the container name used by the aquaculture farmer), OR
Other information identifying the harvest location at least as precisely as the container name
For produce:
Name of the field or other growing area from which the food was harvested (must correspond to the name used by the grower) OR
Other information identifying the harvest location at least as precisely as the field or growing area name
How TagOne Helps Farms/Harvesters/Coolers/Packers
Address FSMA 204
TagOne’s comprehensive first mile solution, TagOne Cultivate is set up to help you capture, store and upload relevant upstream KDE’s via multiple options:
- Desktop
- Mobile
- Tablet
- Directly from your existing systems via our open API framework (in case you are capturing data at different locations using different systems)
In addition, TagOne will work with you to help incorporate missing KDEs (if any) to your existing business i.e., make changes to your existing processes/systems or other
TagOne Cultivate Desktop, gives you the following 2 options to capture, store and upload the relevant first mile KDEs:
- GUI where you can directly enter the data in the system
- Macros enabled, pre-built excel sheets. Whenever you are ready to input the transaction data, all you need to do is to download the excel sheet, populate the relevant fields, and then upload in bulk to the TagOne system. All in a matter of minutes.
TagOne Cultivate is an advanced farm traceability solution and besides the specific KDE’s outlined in FSMA 204, has the ability to capture hundreds of additional attributes that will help you run your farm operations better
Pre-built connecters to leading industry solutions like SAP, QuickBooks, Shopify, Big commerce
The TagOne Value

Traceability Data Digitization
TagOne will enable you to Capture, Store, and Share relevant traceability data on an “as-needed” basis.

Central Regulatory Repository
TagOne is your Single source of truth for all FDA-related traceability data and documents.

Traceability Reports in Seconds
On a button-click, fetch the TagOne Traceability Map view or Table view report based on Item name/Lot#. This is all you will need in the case of an FDA inquiry.

Traceability Advisory
TagOne is not only your tech traceability platform of choice but our traceability experts will help you navigate this traceability journey every step of the way.