Retail Food Establishments
For RFEs, traditional industry challenges like tight margins, high transaction volumes, low shelf-life of perishables (i.e., need for speed to move items from receiving to POS), and lack of trained warehouse workers, have stalled many traceability initiatives in the past. FSMA 204 is different & TagOne has you covered.
Helping Food Retailers Address FSMA 204
The need for speed and a high degree of efficiency is real at food retailers & grocers. Speed in ensuring the trucks at the receiving docks are unloaded and cleared out asap, speed to move food items to the proper holding areas and then moving them, esp. the perishables to the store front so that consumers get the freshest food items. Basically ensuring speed and efficiency at every step.
When we add the need for comprehensive traceability to this environment, things can get a little tricky if not addressed pragmatically. With FSMA 204 mandating traceability based on specific new key data elements (KDEs) like Traceability Lot Code(TLC) & TLC source in addition to others like product description, quantity, UOM, location description, food retailers need to make sure they capture this data during their receiving. In addition depending on their business model, if they have a central kitchen they may need to capture transformation & shipping (Internal Transfers) KDEs.
TagOne Compliance Link for FSMA 204 provides a comprehensive solution to Food retailers and grocers to easily capture KDEs related to their relevant CTEs via different data capture methods covered earlier.
In addition TagOne's Compliance Cockpit will provide advanced reports like the ASN vs Receiving mis-match that will ensure food retailers and grocers can easily manage by exception and always stay in compliance.

Receiving KDEs
Traceability lot code for the food
Quantity and unit of measure of the food
Product description for the food
Location description for the immediate previous source (other than a transporter) for the food
Location description for where the food was received
Date you received the food
Location description for the traceability lot code source or the traceability lot code source reference
Reference document type and reference document number
Shipping KDEs (Internal Transfers):
Traceability lot code for the food
Quantity and unit of measure of the food
Product description for the food
Location description for the immediate subsequent recipient (other than a transporter) of the food
Location description for the location from which you shipped the food
Date you shipped the food
Location description for the traceability lot code source or the traceability lot code source reference
Reference document type and reference document number (maintain only)
How TagOne Helps RFEs
Address FSMA 204
TagOne will provide its Food retailer & grocery customers multiple components of its TagOne Compliance Link solution kit that will ensure easy capture and sharing of FSMA 204 relevant KDEs across its suppliers and customers
TagOne Supplier Link will provide an easy way for suppliers to share shipment KDEs
TagOne's ASN Translation Service will automatically translate this information into an ASN that will be shared with you
- TagOne Integration Engine will help you connect directly with your bigger suppliers via our open API framework and receive their shipment data electronically either as EDI/AS2 or as an EPCIS message
- Receiving, Transformation & Shipping (Internal Transfers) data capture in multiple ways:
Web UI
Mobile UI
Mobile Scanning
OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
The TagOne Compliance Cockpit provides advanced Error Reporting to ensure Wholesalers can efficiently manage their FSMA compliance via thorough Exception Management. A few examples of the different reports below
TLC Mismatch
Quantity Mismatch
Missing ASN
Pending Receiving
Missing Date
Missing TLC Source
For Larger Retailers
TagOne will integrate with your existing WMS (Warehousing Management Systems) or other systems like ERP to capture CTEs via our open API framework or using our pre-built connectors for leading Industry solutions like SAP.
TagOne supports integration with leading-edge solutions
No need to make expensive upgrades to your existing warehouse operations and IT systems supporting your warehouse - Leverage TagOne to capture KDEs supporting the receiving and shipping CTEs
TagOne can also be used by your small suppliers to record their shipping events and send these events digitally which you can use to record your receiving events.
TagOne will be your Central Regulatory Repository & the Single Source of Truth for all things FDA
Beyond FSMA 204
Compliance aside, there have always been great reasons for Retailers/Grocers/Distributors of food to focus on comprehensive Traceability across their supply chains. Food Safety + Quality + Brand Protection + Brand Differentiation and many more.
The TagOne Value

Traceability Data Digitization
TagOne will enable you to Identify, Capture, Validate, Store, and Share relevant traceability data on an “as-needed” basis.

Central Regulatory Repository
TagOne is your Single source of truth for all FDA-related traceability data and documents.

FSMA-204 Reports in Seconds
On a button-click, fetch the TagOne Traceability Map view or Table view report based on Item name/Lot#. This is all you will need in the case of an FDA inquiry.

Traceability Advisory
TagOne is not only your tech traceability platform of choice but our traceability experts will help you navigate this traceability journey every step of the way.