Dietary & Herbal Supplements Industry
Ensure that customers get what they pay for.
Helping the dietary & herbal supplement industry address traceability
Global dietary supplements market was valued at USD 159.2 billion in 2021, and is expected to reach a value of USD 227.4 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of more than 7.9% over the forecast period (2022- 2028). Out of this, the North American dietary supplements market size is valued at approx. USD 50 Billion and expected to grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.6% from 2021 to 2028. The drivers for this continued growth are many, including people wanting a more healthy and natural lifestyle and of course, the covid pandemic that drove renewed interest in categories like immunity-boosting supplements, vegan-friendly, collagen and sports nutrition, and bodybuilding supplements.
What many people don't know are the following two key data points:
1. Over 90% of supplements (including their ingredients) are imported
2. Between 35-50% of the herbal categories in the top-selling herbs sold in the natural food and mainstream retail chains are subject to adulteration.
How can companies keep a check to ensure what they are selling is indeed what they say they are selling and customers really get what they pay for? The only way out is to drive better controls across your supply chain including your suppliers & their suppliers (all the way to the source) via a comprehensive supply chain traceability system.

The TagOne Value

Central Regulatory Repository
TagOne is your Single source of truth for all FDA-related traceability data and documents.

Traceability Data Digitization
TagOne will enable you to Capture, Store, and Share relevant traceability data on an “as-needed” basis.

Traceability Reports in Seconds
On a button-click, fetch the TagOne Traceability Map view or Table view report based on Item name/Lot#. This is all you will need in the case of an FDA inquiry.

Traceability Consulting
TagOne is not only your tech traceability platform of choice but our traceability experts will help you navigate this traceability journey every step of the way.