Hemp & CBD Industry
The CBD industry has gone through a lot of trouble but the good companies are still standing tall.
Helping the hemp & cbd industry address traceability
The jury is out on the impact of CBD products to our daily lives be it for pain management, skin rashes or any other health/non-health benefit. There are people on both side of the aisle, ones who swear by CBD products claiming they have changed their lives while others much more skeptical about the legitimacy of these claims. Whatever be the truth, one thing is certain and that is that over the last few years, the industry has gone through crazy difficult times. But the good news is that most of the good companies who were running their business in the right way and were in the industry for the right reason are still around but the other, typical fly-by-night operators who had come in to make a quick buck have closed shop.
As the industry makes its way forward, one thing is very clear. It needs to do a lot to ensure CBD product quality is top class and that the quality of the hemp crop it came from, hasn't been compromised with. With Hemp sourcing primarily US based, this industry has been a strong candidate for driving end-to-end traceability projects because many of the Hemp processing facilities (that extract CBD) were either vertically integrated with the hemp farms or were sourcing it from named (typically) local farmers.
Given the need for stringent traceability standards in the industry for both consumer trust needs as well as multiple state regulations, comprehensive supply chain traceability is a must-have for the Hemp & CBD industry.

The TagOne Value

Central Regulatory Repository
TagOne is your Single source of truth for all FDA-related traceability data and documents.

Traceability Data Digitization
TagOne will enable you to Capture, Store, and Share relevant traceability data on an “as-needed” basis.

Traceability Reports in Seconds
On a button-click, fetch the TagOne Traceability Map view or Table view report based on Item name/Lot#. This is all you will need in the case of an FDA inquiry.

Traceability Consulting
TagOne is not only your tech traceability platform of choice but our traceability experts will help you navigate this traceability journey every step of the way.