TagOne Integration Engine Advanced Data Sharing
The TagOne Integration Engine is set up to help customers address direct system-to-system data exchange requirements with TagOne. This could be linking their internal systems to TagOne or integrating with their business partners(external systems) to ensure the easy capture, storing, validation, and sharing of KDEs covered under the FDA’s Food Traceability Final Rule.
Multiple APIs are available to ensure a smooth exchange of KDEs related to Packing, Receiving, Transformation, and Shipment Events between TagOne and non-TagOne systems.
Supports leading protocols like AS2, SFTP, FTP/FTPS, HTTP/HTTPS
Supports multiple data exchange formats like JSON/XML
Supports leading data exchange methods, including REST APIs
Supports leading industry standards like GS1(EPCIS)
Pre-built Connectors with leading industry systems like SAP
Highly secure client certificates/authorization tokens used for security and authentication purposes

The TagOne Integration Engine is another key TagOne Compliance Link Solution suite component. It has been built to address the B2B system integration requirements between supply chain partners across the food industry. Unlike the Supplier Link, the use case for TagOne Integration Engine is more focused on the data sharing needs of larger, more IT-mature companies who already may be capturing and storing many of FSMA 204 required Master & Transaction data in existing systems. Key features below:

Internal Systems Integration
Via the TagOne Integration Engine, companies capturing traceability data in existing systems can directly link them to TagOne via multiple integration options. TagOne will be your central regulatory repository and add missing data points, link together, validate, and report specific KDEs required by the FDA in seconds.
External Systems Integration
The TagOne Integration Engine can quickly and securely integrate with your business partner systems (suppliers and customers) in different ways. For example, with our open pre-published APIs, customers can first test/simulate the working of this integration, after which real-time data exchange can be initiated.